About Hug-Gram
Welcome to HugGram.com...
Your GiftShop for Teddy Bear Hugs In A Can
The ultimate way to send someone special your message and a hug!
Every once in a while something comes down the pike that is widely different than anything else. Since you made it to our little corner of the world, a quick little note as to who we are and what our mission is. Our specialty is in our name. Simply put, we send Hugs to anyone you feel is deserving or in the need of them, particularly when you can't be there to hug them in person!
Our mission...to be the vehicle for you to help convey both your feelings and message to that special someone that you feel genuinely deserves your Hugs. We're committed to that!
Just tell us who you feel deserves your Hugs and we'll take it from there! Check out our "Shop" link in the menu to find the "Hugs Can" you feel is the appropriate one, or choose the "all encompassing" one that simply says Hugs-In-A-Can
Comes with our unique “Hug-Gram” greeting card where your personalized message goes, plus a special enclosure card that says:
I'm "Hugs", I was created to hug and be hugged and to offer you my unconditional love! I promise I'll always be here for you!
Also include, is our signature white stone nestled in a little black velvet pouch. Engraved on it, the magical words "Consider Yourself Hugged!"

A portion of the proceeds of each "Hug-Gram"
goes to Cancer research